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mini microblading

35 minute procedure to fill in gaps

Already have thick brows but need to fill in a few spots? If yes- then this service is for you! Each session lasts for 35 minutes, which means you can enhance your brows during your lunch break!


The great thing about the Mini Microblading service is that YOU get to be in control for the entire appointment. Because it’s a quick service, no time is wasted. Upon arrival, you’ll fill out paperwork and sign consent forms while we prep your skin. Then, you’ll hold a mirror and point out the spaces you’d like to have filled. We will create as many hairstrokes as we can during that time. This is perfect if you have full brows with good shape but just need to fill in the front of the brows or you have small gap somewhere. Because this is not a Full Microblading service, we will only add hairstrokes within your existing brow shape, and there will be no extensive shaping or symmetry correction. 


Virgin brows ONLY, meaning no previous microblading or tattoo work (unless Antonina otherwise approves). You must send pictures in advance, before booking this appointment, to Antonina for her to review your brows to make sure you are an appropriate candidate. 347-653-5606.


This treatment may or may not require a touch up session. Mini touch up sessions are the same price as the initial session $125.



General Info about microblading that DOES apply to the mini session:


Microblading is a type of permanent make-up, where through the manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin we create fullness and design of the eyebrows. A small hand tool with tiny needles is used (as opposed to a tattoo gun used in traditional tattoos).


Once we are finished, we will apply a healing cream to the brows and you will be all set! You cannot wet the brows for 48 hours after the treatment. You will not be able to go in the sauna or be around any steam (no facials) for 14 days after the treatment. We give all our clients tons of information on the healing process... but you can expect to go through about a 20-30 day healing process. This means there may be some scabbing, flaking, loss (and return) of pigment, itchiness, etc.


Please read additional Pre & Post Procedure information on our general microblading page. 


Mini Microblading is for clients who already love the thickness and shape of their brows- but they want to add a few strokes in specific places. 

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